IVolt's Peace of Mind Promise
Every company has a origin story and IVolt is no different. IVolt was first concieved quite by accident when a business associate and friend ask if I could design and install door access, camera systems, and networking solutions for his new business. Not wanting to pass up an interesting opportunity I responded with a confident of course I can. This, convienantly, was not far from the truth as I had been in technology for over 20 years at that point and had installed cameras and door access systems at a few smallers businesses already. The scope of this job was much larger than previous expiereance, however, so I started to read and research.
Over the next few months, luckily the job didnt start for a while, I learned so much about the door access, environment sensors, management systems, and cameras that I was amazed at just how many options there were. At first it seems like this would be an easy task to find a system, install and bam, done. I couldnt of been more wrong.
As I dug into the details I started to notice that almost every single provider required internet access, monthly fees, access to the cameras, or a combination of them. In most situations data was being streamed in RAW video over an unsecure network. I was starting to get concerned so I started calling them. One by one I recieved the sales pitch, and one by one they would or could not answer my concerns about privacy. This was getting messy. Not only does every one who uses facebook, tiktok or any of the other mobile apps give up, by default, all sense of privacy; now corporations are unwillingly giving up access to building security and privacy.
This caused a crusade of sorts as I really began to dig into the would of privacy. You can read my article on the shocking truth of personal privacy for the muddy details, however, in short, companies are listening and recording your voice, scanning networks and sending all port and layout data, reading the web pages you visit and track every purchase you make online. The scary revelation was MOST major companies are all working together to gather and share this information without care for your privacy and security.
That was enough and I vowed to give customers another option, an option where they dont have to pay a monthly fee, or give up any privacy or security. IVolt was born out of the desire to STOP the viral corporate trend of consuming your personal life and give the people we work with the peace of mind everyone deserves.
I truly hope you stick around and explore our company, I believe our mission and our moral compas will guide us into a place of prosperity; therefore allowing us to GIVE back to the world in the hopes of making it just a little bit better.
Mark Alicz
IVolt, LLC